The V-Shot

Our V-Shot is the ultimate solution for enhancing intimate pleasure and addressing common sexual concerns. This minimally invasive procedure harnesses the healing power of your own blood's platelets to stimulate tissue rejuvenation and sexual wellness. The result is a reinvigorated and revitalized sexual experience.

The E-Shot

Designed specifically for men, this revolutionary procedure harnesses the healing power of platelet-rich plasma to rejuvenate and enhance sexual performance. Our skilled experts utilize advanced techniques to inject the plasma directly into targeted areas, promoting increased blood flow and tissue regeneration. Experience improved erectile function, enhanced sensation, and increased self-confidence.

Male Girth Enhancement

What is Male Girth Enhancement?  First of all, we numb you, so it’s not a painful process.  Then, hyaluronic acid fillers are injected into the shaft of the penis to increase the girth, or width.  

How much enlargement will I see?  Most men will see 25%-35% increase but the treatment can be customized to your desired results.  Initially you’ll have some swelling too so you’ll see your final results at one month.  

Does it hurt?  We use numbing medicine so most men don’t feel much at the time of the procedure. There will be bruising for about a week and there may be some minor discomfort and swelling as you’re getting used to your new size. You’ll notice that your underwear fit different too.  

How soon can I have sex after receiving penis filler?  This is the first question most men ask, “how soon can I use it?”. Wait at least 7 days.  

Is bigger always better?  While it is a common misconception that only women are interested in enhancing their bodies it turns out that many men want to improve things too.  While there’s not standard definition of “well-endowed” a simple procedure with us can improve size and girth.  Penile enhancement can promote a positive body image and enhance self-esteem.  This can give you want a boost in sexual self-confidence and amplified pleasure and enjoyment in sexual activity for you and your partner.

Who is a good candidate for Male Girth Enhancement?  Good candidates are psychologically stable, circumcised, not morbidly obese. 

Labia Rejuvenation

Our in-office labial rejuvenation uses your body’s own healing and restorative growth factors from platelet rich plasma to restore and revive your labia major, or outer vagina.  This is performed using your own blood combined with hyaluronic acid filler to address deflated, loose skin and give you a more youthful appearance.