Cosmetic Xeomin

Injected to weaken specific muscles that cause bothersome dynamic wrinkles. The units of Xeomin injected for treatment vary based on the size and strength of the muscle and will be customized based on your needs

Therapeutic Xeomin

Neuromodulators also treat areas of excessive sweating (armpits or hands) or chronic tension (TMJ/clenching your jaw, chronic headaches).

Dermal Fillers

Injectable fillers to re-volumize the areas of bone resorption, collagen loss, and elastin loosening that occur as we age. They also help to augment areas that you’d like more definition.

PRP Injections

Platelet Rich Plasma has been an exciting break-thru in the field of aesthetics. It has been proven for years that PRP and/or stem cells work well in the field of orthopedics with joint injections to stimulate the development of healing properties.